Saturday, 13 April 2013


G'day I'm Matthew I'm a 24 year old Uni Student From South Australia.

I have noticed how there is so much information and advice around the Internet about ACL surgery and recovery but very little on PCL's. There are a couple of great blogs here but they are a little older and medicine does advance quickly so my storey may be a little different.  So I've decided to start a blog so other people experiencing a similar injury can get a little bit of an idea what to expect.

So lets got to the start! about 4 months ago i decided to do some work on cattle/sheep station for a few weeks over Uni's Summer break.  About a week into this i got knocked off a motorbike by grumpy steer, i wasn't going that fast but my right knee was driven rather hard into soild ground.

My very first though was "ohh I've broken my leg", just because i felt something snap i had a very weird sensation in my leg.  However i quickly realised that although very swollen my knee or leg definitely wasn't broken as i could stand up, so i got the bike going again and got back on with work.

I worked for a further 5 weeks which looking back was probably a bit silly struggled running, climbing, lifting and my knee was even aching while i was sleeping.

When i returned home i enjoyed Christmas and New years with family in friends, but this whole time i could still sense something with my knee wasn't right.  So i went to the local Dr who sent me in for a x-ray which showed nothing other then a large amount of  "Knee Joint Effusion"  She said it was highly possible i had some soft tissue damage so i got a referral to a Orthopaedic surgeon.

I was unable to get into to see this surgeon for a further 4 weeks, when i did he examined my knee and said to have so much swelling after such a long period is a worry, but he though that my only damage may have been to my knee cap and maybe some cartilage damage, He sent me off for a MRI just to be sure.

The MRI came back with the results showing i had a "complete or near complete tear of my PCL" however there was no other damage visible. After further physical tests the surgeon was also surprised how much play and movement my knee had and these where signs that my PCL had "shat it self"

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